word count tool
0indivual total number of chinese characters:0indivual
total number of chinese punctuation marks:0indivual
total number of english characters:0indivual
total number of english punctuation marks:0indivual
total number of numeric characters:0indivual total number of english words:0indivual
total number of data words:0indivual
total number of lines (paragraphs):0
total number of characters:total number of chinese punctuation marks:0indivual
total number of english characters:0indivual
total number of english punctuation marks:0indivual
total number of numeric characters:0indivual total number of english words:0indivual
total number of data words:0indivual
total number of lines (paragraphs):0
word count statistics, the statistical results include the number of words, the number of characters (not counting spaces), the number of words (not counting spaces), etc.